Phonics Volumes 1 & 2 (audio & book)
Rock 'N Learn

It’s easy and fun to learn the phonics skills that lead to reading and spelling success with Rock 'N Learn Phonics Audio CDs & Book. Catchy songs and rhymes help students remember vowels, consonants, blends, digraphs, silent e, and much more. Students control the pace, advancing as they master each new skill. Learners can practice independently and feel proud of their accomplishments. Delayed answers let kids check their reading and pronunciation.
Grades K & up. Approx. 92 minutes.
This is the audio and book version. For the video version:
Phonics 4 DVD Set
Learning® Magazine Teachers’ ChoiceSM Award
The National Parenting Center’s Seal of Approval
Dr. Toy’s Best Classic Products
"I have really enjoyed your Phonics CD & book! My children enjoy it as well. I don't normally take a fancy to rock music, but this has been great! It's cool to be able to hear the words and sounds over the music, and the explanation about what to do is quick and simple. Thank You! We really like your stuff!" – Jennifer M.
"My wife teaches in southwest Phoenix. Her class is 95% Hispanic and she uses your Phonics audio set to help her children learn English." – Wayne S.
Fun songs and entertaining singers help students learn the phonics rules for reading and spelling success.
NOTE—This phonics audio CD program does not include all of the material that is covered on Rock 'N Learn Phonics DVDs, such as the sentence and story practice sections. However, it is a comprehensive phonics audio and book program and provides good value with 92 minutes of instruction that can be played over and over to develop reading skills. Many parents and teachers find that it works especially well in situations where a DVD player may not be available. It can also be used as a supplement to the Phonics DVD programs.
Disc 1 covers:
- short vowel sounds
- beginning consonants
- practice with beginning consonants
- special sounds of c, g, qu, x
- consonant-vowel-consonant words
- words ending in ll, ss, ff
- plural s and ending s
- ending consonant blends
- practice with ending consonant blends
- beginning consonant blends
- three-letter blends
- consonant digraphs and trigraphs
- silent e introduction
- silent e makes the long vowel sound
- silent e practice
- fun phonics quiz
Disc 2 covers:
- introduction to long a
- practice with long a
- introduction to long e
- practice with long e
- introduction to long I
- practice with long I
- introduction to long o
- practice with long o
- introduction to long u and oo
- practice with Long u and oo
- r-controlled vowels: ar
- r-controlled vowels: er, ir, ur
- r-controlled vowel: or
- r-controlled vowels: ire, are, air
- diphthongs: oi, oy, ou, ow
- au, aw, all, al
- Break It Down (syllables)
- the schwa sound
- ending sounds: ing, ink, ank, ang, ong, ung, dge
- ending sounds: y, le
- rule breakers
- ph and gh
- common sight words
- silent consonants: c, k, w, gh, g